Monday, August 31, 2009
New Title
You probably noticed that I changed the name of my blog. "Jenny's Weight Loss Blog" just didn't seem to have much oomph behind it and was way too generic. "Together We Can Prove Them Wrong" was inspired by the post I read this morning from Jack Sh*t (<--Very funny man ladies and gentlemen). He talked about how even though he can't be next to each of us dragging our butts to the gym or cooking healthy meals for us, to remember that there is always someone fighting on this journey with us. Whether it be your next door neighbor, someone in a different state or even a different country, there is someone trying just as hard to exercise and eat right. No matter what you are not alone. I was thinking about this exact thing last night at the gym. Every time I go to the gym there are a few severly overweight people there walking on the treadmills, the elipticals or lifting weights. Last night there was an overweight man running sprints on the treadmill. The people always look determined but defeated at the same time. I always wonder if they have a support group and I always find myself wanting to give them a hug and tell them they are not alone.
So this blog title and the blog contents are dedicated to everyone out there on this same journey as I am. Just know that together we can prove everyone wrong.
Thin Does Not = Being In Shape
Friday night I went grocery shopping and got some chicken, veggies, fruits, greek yogurt and some laughing cow cheese. I had an eggwhite omlette and then managed to talk myself out of going to the gym. I just didn't have it in me. I knew if I forced myself I would resent it and the gym would start to become a chore, so I allowed myself to stay home and instead watched a movie with my brother. We watched "I love you man". If you haven't seen this you NEED TO! One of the funniest movies I have ever seen, it's definetly in my top 15 movies.
Saturday was busy busy busy. I woke up at 8:30, showered and ate 2 slices of turkey and laughing cow cheese on a piece of bread with some grapes and cucumbers on the side. After that I headed to my cousins to help her move. We started around 11:30 and we were done about 2:30. I was very impressed with us and how fast we moved them. We had 8 people, 4 cars, 1 truck and a UHaul trailer so I think we did pretty darn good. For me it was a lot of back and forth with boxes (the boys handled the big stuff) and up and down stairs. There were really no stairs moving her out but her and her boyfriend moved in to an apartment on the 2nd floor so moving in was constant stairs. It was a really good workout and I am very happy to report that I was barely out of breath or breaking a sweat. We got lucky with a pretty cool day, the sun came out a little but not too much. Ironically enough, me and my cousin Steve (2 of the heaviest people there) were the ones that were the least sweaty and the least out of breath. How could this be you may ask? Well, we both started working out within the past month and have both lost weight. I'd like to think that it's because we are both in the best shape of our lives thus far. It just goes to show you that being thin doesn't necessarily mean you are in shape.
Saturday night, my friend cancelled our dinner plans because she had homework but it was okay because I was looking forward to just vegging out. My family ordered chinese to eat, which was probably a bad idea but I did my best to eat as well as I could. I ordered a pint of the cashew chicken with steamed rice. I ate it for dinner Saturday, breakfast Sunday morning and breakfast this morning and there is still some left so I think I portioned it out pretty well. We also ordered 6 orders of crab rangoons. I am obsessed with these things!! The chinese place actually knows us by name because of the amount of crab rangoons we get. (Kind of embarassing but pretty funny) Each order has 6 rangoons in it and we usually get about 8 orders which is 48 crab rangoons!! We got 36 this time and boy oh boy was it hard to stay away from those. I usually eat 15-20 when we get chinese but this time I had 5 and that was it. I know I should have had just 1 or 2 or even none but I was proud that I was able to stop at 5. I knew that telling myself I couldn't have any would make me go crazy and only result in a late night binge of 10 or more. By allowing myself to have only 5 it proved that I can still have a treat once in a while in small portions and stay on plan. I probably won't have chinese for another month or two so I think it was just fine. I did make it to the gym Saturday night, which was great for me. To go work out after a day of lifting heavy boxes and running up and down stairs was a huge accomplishment. Funny enough, Saturday was my day for legs to be my main focus. They were sooo beat but I kept them as my main focus and still pushed them to their limit but needless to say the limit came a lot faster than usual. Biceps/back and lower abs/obliques were light that day along with 35 minutes on the bike.
Sunday I slept in until 12:30 and it felt amazing!! I lazed around for the majority of the day until about 4:30 then I got ready to have a dinner date with my friend Chelsea. Our dinner dates ALWAYS consist of Culvers and then Big Brother. At Culver's I got the 4 piece chicken tenders with no fries and water to drink. I only ate 3 of the 4 pieces and refilled my water twice. Yay me! Next time I think I will try to keep it to 2 pieces of the 4 but I wasn't over stuffed with the 3 so I think I did pretty darn good. Food wasn’t the greatest this weekend so hopefully that won't affect my weigh in on Thursday too much. I'm hoping that by portioning it out like I did and continuing to work out that I didn’t do too much damage.
Tonight I will hopefully be taking the Intro to Cycling class at the gym, which I am very excited about and Thursday I start my bellydancing class!
Sorry for such a long post, have a wonderful Monday!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Who I Want To Be...
Happy Friday! Wow my week was super long, anyone else's? The weekend is going to be busy but I am looking forward to it!
So I had my weekly weigh in last night. Um, hmm I'm not really sure what to say…
Except that I lost 3.8lbs since last Wednesday! :-)
Ahh I couldn't believe it! I was so ecstatic I wanted to do a back flip right there in that locker room. Haha. At first I thought that it was a big number for one week but thinking back to the last time I lost a good amount of weight, I remember that the first 20lbs came off pretty quickly before it starting slowing to about 1-2lbs a week. Initially, I wanted to lose 10lbs before my bday dinner on October 9th but now I may be able to squeeze out 15. We'll see, either way I'll be happy.
Food was good the past couple days, same old stuff. Work out went good last night. Focus was abs with light biceps/back and inner/outer thighs. I always forget to mention the cardio that I do because I do it every day so it doesn't really change. I do about 35-40 minutes on the bike after my weight training. I think I'm going to add a 10 minute warm up walking at an incline on the treadmill before my weight training. I would really like to find a few more ab and butt exercises. I have a good amount of ab exercises but I feel like I'm not working my lower abs enough. I know that it is a hard area to work but I feel like I can do better. Same with my butt. I do lots of squats, which I love doing I just wish I had a few more moves to add in there to maximize my results. Any thoughts?
In the past couple of days, I've realized that this person I'm becoming is a person that I want to be. I've always wanted to be the person that juggles friends, family, work, school and EXERCISE and absolutely loves it. I want to be that person that WANTS to go exercise instead of NEEDS to go exercise. Slowly but surely it's getting easier to get my butt to the gym. About 75% of the time now, I don't try to talk myself out of it. It has become something I want to do and something I'm starting to crave. This morning at 8:30 I realized I hadn't filled up my water bottle yet for the day. The reason I realized this? Because I was craving water. I was craving WATER. Who would have thought that would ever happen? I surely didn’t. I thought, no matter what, fat or thin I would still hate exercise and dread having to drink water and eat healthy. I thought for sure that this journey was going to be a lifetime full of pain in the ass trips to the gym and eating food I hate. I think that's why I was so scared. I was comfortable in my rut eating shit and not exercising at all. Being healthy feels good. I feel alive, I feel accomplished, I feel excited. I'm exactly where I want to be and this time I'm not going back. There will be no more posts saying, "Monday I'm starting my diet, for real this time." Instead, they will be replaced with, "Monday was great, I stayed on track with eating and my trip to the gym was awesome." I used to think of quitting and then I thought, if you quit what's next? Where do you go from here? You surely can't stay how you were or soon you'll be the size of a house. So that means eventually you will have to "start over" again. Well, guess what? I'm sick of starting over. I'm sick of being defeated. It's not an option anymore. I'm not giving myself any more excuses. I'm feeling how wonderful it is to live this kind of lifestyle, why would I go back?
Theres no reason to.
End of Story.
Have a wonderful Friday!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Great Success... (In your best Borat voice)
Now, with that out of the way, I'll do a quick update on food and exercise for yesterday. Yesterday's food was pretty good. A Morningstar Chicken Patty for breakfast with a little ketchup and milk, cucumbers for a morning snack. Lunch was grilled chicken breasts, cucumbers and a V8. Afternoon snack was wheat thins and yogurt. For some reason my stomach goes insane in the afternoon. I think I need to find a heftier (is that a word?) snack for the afternoon because that growling drives me CRAZY! Dinner was probably high on calories but I did my best to not eat too much. We had spinach ravioli with spaghetti sauce and a couple pieces of garlic bread. I had orange juice and water to drink. I didn't make it to the gym yesterday but I did do my 4 mile walk with my step-mom so I think I did pretty good in that area.
Since I've started working out at the gym and eating better about 2 weeks ago, I've had a lot of great things happen. I forgot what it's like to be successful at this and it feels amazing. If I could have only remembered this a while ago I would probably be 20lbs lighter and much happier. Either way, I'm consistantly working out and eating well now and that's all that matters. Now since I don't really know how to organize this part because, like I said before, it's kind of all over the place, I think I will outline some of my accomplishments and elaborate as I go. Sound like a plan?
1. As of last Wednesday I had lost 1.8lbs. My ticker at the top isn't completely accurate because I never updated it after I gained back the weight I had lost during the 5 week frenzy that Rebecca had. I started almost 2 weeks ago weighing 270 lbs. Last Wednesday I weighed in at 268.2. I'm suuuuper excited!! I'm losing weight and for me almost 2lbs a week is exactly where I want and need to be. I don't want to lose the weight too quickly but I want to be losing enough to be actually making a dent in this mess I'm currently trying to clean up. I'm very excited to weigh in tomorrow and hopefully I will have good news to share. I'm hoping for another 1-2lbs but I will take anything at this point!! I also took some before pics Monday night because I didn't want my body to change too much before I had the chance to do so. I'm not very fond of them so they may not be posted for a while but at least I have them in my possesion.
2. I can tell that my body is starting to change. My mom and my brother have even made comments that they think I'm becoming slimmer especially in my mid-section. Now I know they're family and they are supposed to say nice things like that but I can tell too. My shirts are fiting a little different and so are my pants. It's a slight difference but I can definitely tell. It feels wonderful to see that my hard work everyday IS paying off and I can't wait to see even more changes in my body.
3. So you all know I used to be addicted to McDonald's. I truly was addicted. I ate it everyday for lunch and sometimes for dinner as well. I would crave the chicken nuggets everytime I smelt the glorious scent of fatty fried food. I would devour every bite the second I got my hands on it and I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty (Hence the 270 pounds just hanging out on my body). I had a McChicken last week because my boyfriend was getting it for dinner and I hadn't eaten yet. I chose the healthiest thing I could find on the menu. Before that, I hadn't had McDonald's for quite a while. I can't remember the last time I had the 10 piece nugget meal with honey mustard and a chocolate shake. Last night I faced the biggest test I've had to thus far. My brother had his wisdom teeth taken out yesterday and I told him I would stop by McDonald's on the way home and pick him up a chocolate milkshake. I drove up, ordered a large chocolate milkshake and drove to the first window to pay. It was at that point that I realized I didn't even have the slightest urge to order food, no fries, no drink, no nuggets, no burger, NOTHING! As I thought about it more I couldn't stop smiling. I didn't even take a sip of his shake on the way home. I threw the straw in the backseat and drove my happy little (big) butt home. :-)
4. On the 4 mile walk that my step-mom and I do every Tuesday there are two killer hills. I am always out of breath and dread seeing these hills rapidly approaching in the distance. Last night I could tell that these hills were easier. I actually didn't realize we went up the first hill because I was fine once we got to the top. I was a little winded on the second hill but it wasn't anything near what it usually is. That alone is telling me I'm making progress in my journey.
5. My Thursdays are about to get a whole lot busier. Why you ask? I am going to be taking a Pilates and Belly Dancing class on those nights. I'm so excited!! I've wanted to take both classes and now I am!! Pilates is from 5:30 - 6:30 and Belly Dancing is from 7:30 - 9. How perfect! They start next Thursday for 6 weeks but I have a feeling I'll be continuing after that. :-)
6. And last but certainly not least: yesterday I learned that no water=bad day! I forgot my water bottle yesterday and didn't have time to go home to get it so I tried to drink as much from the water fountain as I could but I was lucky if I got in 20oz yesterday. I felt blah all day. I had a headache, I was tired and basically dragging around trying to find some energy. Everything in my day was the same as it usually is. I got the same amount of sleep, work was the same, co-workers were the same, I didn't have any extra stress so I'm pretty sure it was lack of water. I'm used to drinking almost 100oz a day and yesterday I had barely any. I'm happy to report that my water bottle is with me today, I've drank about 56oz so far and I'm feeling great! :-)
I know that was a SUPER long post!! Sorry about that but I wanted to share everything that's been going on! Success feels wonderful and I hope you are all experiencing it in some way or another as well. Have a great night and I will leave you with a quote that I'm enjoying right now.
"If you care at all, you'll get some results.If you care enough, you'll get incredible results."
-Jim Rohn
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Oh, Sweet McDonald's
Friday, August 21, 2009
Attitude Adjustment


Afternoon snack was yogurt. Dinner was a McChicken from McDonalds (ahh I know I know, horrible!) Today, morning snack was another Fruit2Day. Both breakfast and lunch were grilled chicken breasts with some horseradish. Breakfast I had milk to drink and lunch I had a V8. I did have a lot of water yesterday, close to 80oz I believe and today I'm currently at about 28oz.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Staying True...



I did have a piece of pizza for breakfast though, which isn't all that great but I tried to pick the smallest piece possible. Tonight I'm going to whip up a couple of chicken breasts and cook some lentils and asparagus for dinner and lunch for the rest of the week. Food has been very good and rather easy when I actually put in the effort.
